Five Key Qualities of a Good Personal Fitness Trainer


With the growth of personal fitness training, selecting the best trainer for your needs might be challenging. Do you want to ensure you get the best possible training experience? Then continue reading this article, and explore the five essential qualities of a excellent personal fitness trainer.

Education and Experience

One crucial aspect to consider when choosing a personal fitness trainer is their education. This includes their formal education as well as practical experience.  

Formal education in medical fields provide solid understanding of human physiology and anatomy

Formal education in medical fields provides an excellent knowledge of human anatomical structures. It tackles how to deal with injuries and understand physical limitations. But degrees in sports science also provide the necessary understanding of human anatomy. It involves currently established sports science-related theories and practices for various activities. As we define it, exercise is a more clinical undertaking focused on fatiguing muscles rather than performance. Degrees in medicine provide an exceptional basis for grasping and applying the basic concepts of exercise [1], [2]. So, trainers possessing medical degrees have an advantage in practicing Exercise.

Certifications and accreditations define exercise philosophy.

Besides the formal education, there are also specific accreditations and certifications. These educational programs enable those who need formal industry training to get the expertise. It provides information required to undertake personal training or to improve their understanding. It also allows them to specialize in a particular branch of physical training. As a result, training courses vary depending on what the organization gives them and their mission/purpose. National-level qualifications offer a solid basis for understanding human anatomy. It also provides a whole concept of functional capacity, interaction with individuals, and physical limitations. This basis is necessary in some countries to provide personal training services. Licenses differ by their unique practices and concepts defined by the certification program. Looking at the certification program to understand the core principles practiced is a must.

Don’t hesitate to discuss the personal trainer’s educational background

Specialization programs often branch out far from the fundamental concepts of functional anatomy. These specialization programs can focus on different aspects, such as joint safety, mobility, physical transformation, sports performance, etc. Many credentials may encourage specific protocols and acrobatics, which contradict the tenets of safe and sustainable exercise. Thus, we encourage you to talk with your potential personal trainer. Disclose their educational background and how that influences their approach to physical fitness.

Practical experience demonstrates credibility

While being very important, theoretical knowledge only represents half of the equation. A personal trainer needs practical experience exercising for their benefit and the benefit of their clients. First, some proof will be in the pudding. Does the personal trainer exercise the same way as his clients do? Does his physical appearance appear healthy? Is his body fat under control? Does the trainer show the instructed exercises on their own? Finally, are there testimonials of himself or his clients? Injuries? Accidents? Lawsuits? How much time do their clients spend exercising? Before deciding on a personal trainer, these issues and findings should be disclosed [3].

Personalized Approach

Another quality to consider is their ability to tailor your training program to your needs. A good trainer will take the time to understand your goals. To know your fitness level and any limitations or injuries you may have. This personalized approach will help you achieve your goals more effectively. It will make your training experience more enjoyable and sustainable in the long run. 

Seeking constant feedback and improvements

A good personal trainer will always ask you for feedback. They will ask about the workout and your prior workout programs. You must disclose the general efficacy of the training programs. As a result, it is critical to discuss every detail possible so that the program may be adjusted.

Adjustment to physical limitations

Also, it is a must to talk about any possible physical limitations. Luckily, (correct) Exercise focuses on muscle fatigue and limits mobility or pain in some positions. In that regard, it should not prevent the personal trainer from creating an effective and safe Exercise program. However, only a tiny minority of personal trainers follow the core tenets of Exercise. If you have physical limitations, discuss them with your potential trainer and ensure they can taper the exercise program to your needs.

Integrated with your lifestyle and schedule

Finally, the personal trainers aim to fit the program into your schedule. It is about your life, your hobbies, your priorities. Exercise should be a brief, infrequent, ongoing effort to boost one’s quality of life. A good personal trainer will shape the Exercise program to your schedule and available time. They should ensure that the short time spent working out yields lasting benefits.

Communication skills

Communication skills are another vital aspect when seeking an online personal fitness trainer. A professional trainer should communicate with you effectively. Providing guidance, feedback, and inspiration should be present at every step of your training program.

Actively monitoring the exercise form and body posture

A professional personal trainer should be concerned with your safety and well-being. They should always check your body alignment, joint position, and posture. And in that regard, a personal trainer will always notify you if anything is out of the ordinary.

Discussing and integrating concerns and questions

Additionally, a good personal trainer should be able to listen to your concerns and questions. They should be able to provide thoughtful and helpful responses. Look for a responsive, approachable trainer, and easy to communicate with. It will make your training experience much more enjoyable and effective.

Availability and flexibility

When choosing a Personal Trainer, consider their availability and flexibility as well. You want a trainer who can work with your schedule. A trainer that can accommodate any changes or adjustments that may need to be made. Look for a trainer who offers flexible training sessions. May it be early morning or late evening sessions or the ability to reschedule if something comes up.


Staying on track with your fitness goals matters most. Ensure the trainer is available for regular check-ins and progress updates. Because Exercise is, in essence, a concise activity, rescheduling a workout should be acceptable in most cases. Working in a time slot of your choosing increases your life quality and productivity. 


If you are pressed for time and prefer to avoid crowded gyms, look for online personal training. Some people enjoy the actual presence of the trainer. They may find switching from in-person to video-based personal training challenging and unsettling. However, having access to the top trainers in the world and avoiding gym crowds adds to the value that is hard to beat in respect to gaining the most results in the minimum amount of time [4].

Positive attitude and motivation

A positive attitude and motivation are vital qualities to look for in a fitness trainer. You want someone who will encourage and inspire you to reach your fitness goals, even when you do not feel like working out. A good trainer can also adapt their approach to your needs and preferences. This keeps you engaged and motivated throughout your training program.

Genuine care for your well-being

Look for a trainer with a track record of helping clients achieve their goals. And someone who is genuinely caring about your success. A personal trainer’s goal is to see your progress. In Exercise, keeping your workout performance, general well-being, and lack of pain throughout the day is progress. Thus, sharing information of that nature is vital so your trainer can make changes if needed. 

Constant feedback and desire for improvement

Finally, a good personal trainer should be honest about your progress and performance. Giving feedback is an essential element of an excellent personal trainer. And applying all the feedback should help you improve. For that reason, giving feedback and positive encouragement to improve should always be present.


In this article, we have written about the core essential elements of a personal trainer. These are knowledge, personalization, communication, flexibility, and attitude. This list should help you identify the good personal trainers from the bad ones. A personal trainer has (at least) four things to consider: safety, well-being, progress, and sustainability. For that reason, all the listed qualities are mandatory. If you are ready to invest in a personal trainer, ensure they score well on all five items on this list.


[1] S. Knez, “Defining Exercise: The Intensity – Safety Quadrant,” BrevisFit, Jan. 18, 2021. (accessed May 30, 2021).

[2] S. Knez, “The Purpose Of Exercise,” BrevisFit, Dec. 12, 2020. (accessed Apr. 24, 2021).

[3] D. I. Melton, J. A. Katula, and K. M. Mustian, “The Current State of Personal Training: an Industry Perspective of Personal Trainers in a Small Southeast Community,” J. Strength Cond. Res. Natl. Strength Cond. Assoc., vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 883–889, May 2008, doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181660dab.

[4] S. Knez, “5 Reasons Online Personal Training saves you time and money,” BrevisFit, Sep. 03, 2022. (accessed Sep. 11, 2022).

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