5 Reasons Online Personal Training saves you time and money


You are a busy individual who loves your work and is eager to spend as much time as possible to achieve your goals. However, you also understand that this is only possible if you are strong and healthy. And for that reason, an excellent approach to exercise is of the essence. While you could study and learn the most effective methods to exercise, a good online personal trainer can reduce the grunt of this task. Yet, the personal and individual approach toward your health requires a financial investment. So, in the end, it is always a question: Is it worth it? We’ll show you how an online personal trainer may save you so much time and money that the fee is insignificant.

Skip waiting for your turn

You finish your work at 5 PM, and it’s time for the gym. Except, it’s rush hour. You could postpone your workout to a later time slot but arrive home late. So you decide to go to the gym and sacrifice the extra 30 minutes needed to get through the traffic jams. Now you are at the gym, which is crowded. And it is especially filled near the equipment you wanted to use. Murphy is always handy. A workout that would typically last 45 now lasts 75 minutes. With traffic, you’ll spend at least 2 hours between leaving work and arriving home. With an online personal trainer, all these time wasters are of no existence. You stay in your office and get ready for the call. You finish the workout as fast as possible since the trainer keeps your activities honest. At 6 PM, you are already home.

No crowds

With online personal training all your workouts are privately supervised in the comfort of your home.

Save money on gym memberships.

An online personal trainer charges you for the personal training. But since you exercise in your office or home, you don’t pay for the space used. The only cost is your trainer. Say goodbye to numerous memberships and contracts—no fees for gas and car use or even possible traffic accidents. You choose the place where you want to exercise. The only cost is the time spent with your trainer.

No extra costs

With an online personal trainer, the only financial expense is the time spent with your trainer.

Avoid studying exercise science.

It is good to understand how our body works. You must study workout theories and anatomy books and practice for hours to understand the theories of anatomy and exercise science. Those topics are worth understanding if you work or plan to be a professional in this field. If not, hiring a trainer is preferable, so you can focus on showing up on time and giving your best effort. . This we are sure you are very good at.

Finally, if you want to deepen your understanding of human anatomy and physiology, you can always ask your trainer. Save time, get healthier, and gain new knowledge simultaneously.

No experimentation

A personal trainer gives you the instructions and guidance to exercise correctly from the start.

Reduce time spent exercising, and increase the free time

Not every workout program is the same. Some are better; some are worse. How do we measure that? As we measure other things: Progress made / time invested. At BrevisFit, we use exercise protocols that focus on safety and efficiency. We aim at the essential aspect of exercise: deep muscular fatigue. Our protocols aim to fatigue your muscles to a level you have never felt before. And this fatigue is established in 90 – 120 seconds. We don’t waste time resting and doing one exercise after another. Muscles are exhausted in a controlled and effective manner. The average workout duration is 20 minutes, done once or twice weekly, not by design but by necessity. But for this, an excellent personal trainer is of great importance. The trainer will ensure that you exhaust your muscles efficiently and safely. Most of the time, it requires a personal trainer’s guidance to reach such efficiency. With such efficiency, you have more time for your endeavors, relationships, and fun activities.

More free time

A time-efficient exercise routine, can save you hours compared to typical fitness programs.

Increase energy to perform better at work

Correct exercise improves our health and longevity through increased muscular strength. And muscular strength gives us the endurance to resist stress, pain, and fatigue. Stronger muscles are also more efficient at metabolizing nutrients. With less time spent on pain, fatigue, and injuries, you have more energy to work and stay focused. An online personal trainer will make sure your workout is regular, adapts to your progress, and is safe. Your increased strength, health, and energy will last you for decades. And for decades, you will enjoy better performance at work, more endurance, and a lower need to get rest from work. This adds years of extra time you can invest in your endeavors.

More energy at work

Correct exercise increases your energy and reduces your fatigue.


Exercise is essential for everybody who wants to perform at a high level for the rest of their lives. We spend a large part of our time commuting to the gym, waiting for gym equipment, and learning how to exercise on our own. In that regard, online personal training eliminates these time wasters. The exercises can take place anywhere because they are done online. A personal trainer will provide professional advice, assistance, and training, to safely and efficiently reach your strength potential. Anyone balancing work, play, and optimum health would benefit tremendously from online personal training. It will give you hours of free time, boost your health and relieve you from current and future pain and discomfort.

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